Key Leaders and Organizations
“Key leaders” are those who share one or more of these characteristics: exert a significant influence over a large number of people hold a “gatekeeper” position to a large sector of society or culture have a broad, nationwide, or continent-wide scope of activity or influence share a commitment to the larger, less localized purposes of the Kingdom of God in Latin America.
Over its 25 years of ministry, Semilla has established credibility and relationships with these types of leaders and their organizations in practically every Latin American country. We have served many occasionally, on an “as-needed” basis, with strategic advice, developing their leadership team or with useful introductions. For a handful, we have cultivated ongoing relationships of growing mutual trust, accountability and counsel. Whenever possible, these relationships involve our spouses and even our growing children, seeking a level of transparency and authenticity in leadership relationships worthy of the Kingdom.
Over its 25 years of ministry, Semilla has established credibility and relationships with these types of leaders and their organizations in practically every Latin American country. We have served many occasionally, on an “as-needed” basis, with strategic advice, developing their leadership team or with useful introductions. For a handful, we have cultivated ongoing relationships of growing mutual trust, accountability and counsel. Whenever possible, these relationships involve our spouses and even our growing children, seeking a level of transparency and authenticity in leadership relationships worthy of the Kingdom.